It’s a topic that brings up all sorts of feelings—excitement, stress, joy, fear.
But have you ever wondered what the Universe wants you to know about money?
It’s a great question and one that I wanted to ask the Universe directly. So, I channeled, and here’s the answer that came forward:
First off, money isn’t just about buying things or paying bills. It’s actually one of our greatest teachers.
The Universe wants you to see money as a way to learn how to take your power back. Think about how many of us give our power away to money, thinking our worth or security is tied to how much we have.
Or fearing never receiving any.
Fear we’d receive too much.
Or fear we will lose it all as fast as it comes in.
But here’s the thing: you have all the power within you.
When you truly understand that you are in control, you can manifest as much money as you want. This does take some deep inner work and daily aligned actions, but it’s totally doable.
A lot of us put money in the driver’s seat of our lives.
What if you took that power back? What if you realized that YOU control money vs. money controlling you?
When you step into that mindset, money becomes a tool rather than a master.
Here’s a question to help you begin:
“If you knew you’d receive $10,000 by 11:59pm tonight, how would you spend the rest of your day?”
Sit with that. Write out the answer.
Chances are, you’d be a lot more relaxed. The tension would release from your shoulders, you’d unclench your stomach, and you’d actually hear the birds when you step outside vs. being so zoned out and stressed.
You’d immediately shift your state from stressed to present.
There’s nothing more powerful than the present moment when it comes to manifestation.
But overall, having that CERTAINTY shifts everything.
Give yourself the gift of that certainty for as long as you can hold onto it during the day and watch the random checks you get in the mail, unexpected tax returns, and contracts fulfilled that have been in prospects’ inboxes for the last 3 months.
It’s the most beautiful feeling and a feeling that you absolutely deserve to experience.
There you have it! That is what the Universe really wants you to know about money.
Want to manifest money in 30 days or less? 💸
I’ll show you how inside my 30-Day Manifestation Challenge, where I guide you step-by-step through my channeled 4-step framework to manifest money in 30 days or less.
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