Has money had a chokehold on you lately? Let’s talk about why:
Money is often seen as power.
Many believe if you have a lot of it, you’re powerful; if you don’t, you’re powerless.
One of the coolest things I’ve witnessed as an intuitive channeler and someone who teaches manifestation is that the moment someone remembers that they hold all the power, they receive what they’ve been dreaming about.
Just last week, a client got caught in waiting energy.
She was waiting for the Universe to make something happen, and the moment we caught it and I told her to go make it happen vs. wait for it to happen – boom, she signed a $25,000 client in 48 hours.
How did she do that?
She remembered that she was in the driver’s seat of her life. Money wasn’t in the driver’s seat. The Universe wasn’t in the driver’s seat. Her partner wasn’t in the driver’s seat. She was.
That energy – even for a split second – moves mountains.
So how does this relate back to money?
Because so many of us put ‘money’ in the driver’s seat of our lives. It’s time for us to shift that.
But to do that, we have to face the music and figure out where all of this originated so we can get that energy out of our bodies for good.
Ready for it? Do this one thing to heal your relationship with money as an entrepreneur:
Look what happened when my 1:1 client from last week did this:
It sounds ridiculous, but seriously. Admit that you’re afraid of money.
Here’s why this works:
By not admitting you’re afraid of money, you keep reinforcing the belief that you are actually afraid of money because every time the conversation of money comes up, you are either consciously or unconsciously having some variation of a fight-or-flight nervous system response to it.
That nervous system response is putting the vibration of ‘this thing really freaks me out!’ to the Universe.
Why would the Universe send you something that scares you?!?!
By admitting you are afraid, you release that deep tension in your body.
Next time you shower or are driving alone in your car, say…
Riff on why you’re afraid of it. Write it down. Speak it out. Do whatever feels good.
It’s safe to get these words out.
It’s IMPORTANT to get these words out.
Hell, it’s IMPERATIVE that you get these words out.
You know that phrase that says ‘the truth will set you free?’ It’s very true. Especially in this instance.
Allow the truth to set you free by being honest with yourself.
Now, I know a lot of people get afraid of this because of the Law of Attraction but remember – the law of attraction is only one part of the manifestation process.
Before we can get there, we must avoid the toxic positivity route and admit the truth so we can release that old energy.
Give this a try and DM me on Instagram with how it went!
Want to continue learning how to heal your relationship with money as an entrepreneur so you can scale your business? Join my Natural Manifester Membership, where we use manifestation as a tool to lower stress and make more money. JOIN HERE!
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